
The courses offered in the current academic year 2023-2024 and designed for the XXXIX series are listed below. Students enrolled in the past series can also attend the courses.

Additional information:
- TABLE view (updated on 18 Oct 2023);
- calendar constantly updated with all BMCS teaching activities
- attendance rules and enrollment method;
- Moodle site with class material for each course

Course list and links to individual course syllabi (tentative and subject to the Faculty Board's approval in October 2023)
The courses are organized into three types:  M = Mandatory, OI = Optional Interdisciplinary, OT = Optional Transferable Skills.

[M] Foundations of cognitive neuroscience
[M] How to write and present scientific results
[M] Human and machine vision
[M] Human-computer interaction
[M] Methodological foundations in experimental studies with humans
[M] Natural Language Processing and Text mining
[M] Tools and applications of machine learning for societal challenges

[OI] AI & Law (formerly "Legal, ethical and societal issues in ICT")
[OI] Cognition and computation
[OI] Explainable Machine Learning
[OI] Technologies for sport performance analysis
[OI] Principles of computational creativity
[OI] Seminars of scenarios of Internet of Things
[OI] Serious games and social media

[OT] Graphs and statistics with R
[OT] Computer-assisted research
[OT] Python for non-computer scientists
[OT] Tools for online experiments
[OT] Doing research in and for hospitals
[OT] Entrepreneurship
[OT] Proposals writing and grants


To attend courses offered by other doctoral programs, please contact the teacher in advance.

- courses of the Doctoral Program in Mathematics
- course of the Doctoral Program in Psychological Sciences