How to write and present scientific results

Silvia Salcuni
Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione

Tullio Vardanega,
Dept of Mathematics

The main aim of the course is to provide Ph.D. students with a method to communicate and disseminate their research results. Examples of oral presentations and scientific papers in the fields of Psychology, Computer Science, and Neuroscience will be presented and discussed with the students.

• Introduction to oral presentation skills: preparing your talk, from drafting to delivery. Structure, style, and timing of oral presentation. The “to-do list” of public speaking. Talks with different purposes and audiences (dissemination vs. scientific peers) will be presented.
• Training oral presentation skills: Coimbra three Minutes Competition rules.
• The structure and style of scientific writing: journal guidelines; main editorial norms; how to write a scientific paper; how to manage Editors' and Reviewers’ requests; examples of good and poor scientific writing.• Practicing scientific writing: drafting: the golden rules of a scientific writer (workgroup assignments); editing (editing skills are a fundamental component of scientific writing).
• Paper Revising and Replying to Editors
• Response letters

Course requirements

Modality - One week to the end of the course, the students, self-organized in small-sized interdisciplinary groups, are task with: (1) selecting a journal publication of their common interest, (2) analyzing it in accord with the “how-to-write” criteria discussed in the course, (3) creating a synthesis review of that paper as if it was a fresh submission, (4) presenting their review publicly and discussing it with the instructors and peers.
Goal - To apply the guidance exposed in the course; to adjust prior beliefs on the course themes; to reflect on the vulnerabilities of conceiving, exposing (orally or in writing), and evaluating scientific products.
Skills acquired with the exam - Navigating, in an extremely accelerated manner, the journey that joins conceiving scientific work to contributing to the peer review process that sanctions the contents of state-of-the-art literature.
Feedback - The course style, including the exam, is maximally orientated to providing immediate and direct feedback to students by way of comments and group-level discussion

Course material, enrollment and last-minute notifications
Made available by the teacher at this Moodle address

Schedule and Location

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