Computer-assisted research

Eleonora Losiouk
Dept. of Mathematics
eleonora.losiouk [at]

The course aims to provide best practices and guidelines for the effective and efficient use of computer-based tools, resources and methods to support scientific research.

The course will address the following topics:
- Time management (shared calendar and alarms, polls for events)
- Identification and understanding of scientific references (structured bookmarks, digital repositories, etc.)
- Bibliography management and bibliographic styles
- Organization of reference databases (standard, metadata, privacy)
- Remote sharing (Dropbox, Google Docs, Drive, etc.)
- Support for scientific writing (tools, structural methods, versioning, styles, etc.)
- Translation and language support (dictionaries, translators, forums, common practice to avoid naïve translations)
- Support for delivering presentations (tools, styles, image handling, best practices)
- Use of Virtual Machines to host and share specialized environments (tools, best practice)

Course requirements

Course material, enrollment and last-minute notifications
Made available by the teacher at this Moodle address

Schedule and Location

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