Anna Spagnolli
Dept. of General Psychology and HIT Research Centre, University of Padua
A user-centered approach is key to designing useful and satisfactory new technology. It ensures that its design is compatible with the psychological characteristics, contextual constraints, and task needs of the user. In this course, the main concepts and methods of this approach will be introduced, using the students' specific projects as case studies.
- Basic notions of HCI (user, interface, affordance, stakeholders)
- Designing for meaning: modeling HCI as a communication process
- Methods to involve the users in the design
- Evaluating the user experience (performance, satisfaction, usability, presence, fun, acceptance, credibility)
Course requirements
Attendance of the BMCS course: Methodological and statistical foundations of experimental studies with humans
Modality - The PhD students are asked to carry out some activities in class during the course to practice the concepts explained. These activities are done collaboratively by cross-curricular groups. Within a week from the end of the course, they will upload on the Moodle platform of the course a study description, combining and improving the study outline they have drafted during the course.
Goal - To practice study planning in the area of user studies, applying the concepts of user-based evaluation explained during the course
Skills acquired with the exam - Planning the main skeleton of a user study, including the specific data collection tools to be used; peer-based feedback; interdisciplinary collaboration
Feedback - General feedback on the class activities is provided in class. Exam feedback is provided in the Moodle platform.
Course material, enrollment and last-minute notifications
Made available by the teacher at this Moodle address