Seminars on scenarios of Internet of Things

Tullio Vardanega
Dept of Mathematics

The Internet of Things extends digital connectivity to physical entities and real-world situations, giving rise to extraordinary opportunities to conceive, realize, and deliver value-added services, including cognitive and life-support aid, smart appliances, remote monitoring, guidance and control systems. Ph.D. students enrolled in the BMCS program should be familiar with the IoT concept, its foundations for vision and architecture, and its use prospects.

The course is a collection of three focused seminars, which explore complementary facets of ambits where the IoT concepts are making an impact.
1. AI, Digital twins, and the Industrial Metaverse: coupling the physical and digital domains in the framework of Industry 5.0”, prof. Alessandro Beghi, DEI, UNIPD
2. The challenge of data quality, prof. Giulia Cisotto, DMG, UNITS
3. IoT and digital enveloping, prof. Tullio Vardanega, DM, UNIPD

Course requirements

Course material, enrollment and last-minute notifications
Made available by the teacher at this Moodle address

Schedule and Location

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