Human and machine vision

Gianluca Campana
Dept. of General Psychology, University of Padua

Lamberto Ballan
Dept. of Mathematics, University of Padua

This course will show the basic mechanisms and processing of human vision, with particular emphasis on the increasing complexity of receptive fields along the visual hierarchy, and the way such mechanisms have been implemented in computers.

- The concept of receptive field
- Parvo and magno pathways
- From image processing and early vision to high-level visual recognition (in our brain)
- Machine perception and computer vision
- From image processing and early vision to high-level visual recognition (in machines)
A brief introduction to convolutional neural networks and their applications (ranging from security and surveillance, smart mobility, robotics, self-driving cars, etc.)

Course requirements

- On the last day of the course, students will be asked to give a group presentation (approximately four people per group) on a scientific article covering topics at the intersection between human and machine vision. Students may choose from a selection of articles uploaded on Moodle, but they also have the option to propose an alternative article not included in the Moodle selection (pending prior approval from the instructors).
Goal - To encourage the integration of concepts and approaches from the two main fields covered in this course.
Skills acquired with the exam -  Through this exam, students will develop skills in presenting and explaining interdisciplinary hypotheses, methods, and results to a broad audience.
Feedback - Feedback will be provided following each presentation, with input from both instructors and peers (the latter via Wooclap, with a focus on the clarity of the presentation).

Course material, enrollment and last-minute notifications
Made available by the teacher at this Moodle address

Schedule and Location

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