Methodological foundations in experimental studies with humans

Massimo Grassi
Dept. of General Psychology, University of Padova

Fabio Masina
Dept. of General Psychology, University of Padova

The course provides the methodological resources to design a study with human participants, including a description of the main study formats and inferential statistical tests. It also explains how to carry out a meta-analysis to support a systematic review of the literature

• Basic concepts in methodology.
• Experimental variables
• Experimental, quasi-experimental and correlational studies
• Longitudinal studies, Replication studies; Multi-lab studies
• Sample selection and sample size
• Clinical trials
- Parametric and non-parametric inferential tests
- Meta-analysis with R metafor package

Course requirements

- By the end of the course, students will be required to draft and present a topic for a systematic review on a subject that interests them. This draft should incorporate key concepts covered throughout the course, such as the distinction between various experimental designs. Students will work in cross-curricular groups of 3 to 4 persons.
Goal - To understand and apply key methodological concepts for designing studies with human participants. To collaborate effectively in small groups to draft a systematic review topic.
Skills acquired with the exam - Students will develop the ability to design research studies involving human participants and will learn to conduct and interpret systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Feedback - Feedback will be provided throughout the entire course and during the group oral presentations of their drafts for systematic reviews.

Course material, enrollment and last-minute notifications
Made available by the teacher at this Moodle address

26 February 2025, 8:30-11:30
27 February 2025, 10:30-13:30
28 February 2025, 13:30-16:30
04 March 2025, 10:30-13:30
06 March 2025, 8:30-11:30
07 March 2025, 10:30-13:30


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