Giulia Melis

Ritratto Giulia Melis

Neuroscience, Technology and Society, XXXVI series
Grant sponsor

Università degli Studi di Padova

Massimo Grassi
Lamberto Ballan, Giuseppe Sartori (esterno)


Project: Unmasking Lies: Advancements In Deception Detection Techniques
Full text of the dissertation book can be downloaded from: not available yet

Abstract:Pursuing truth through the unmasking of deception has consistently engaged the scientific community and the general public. This interdisciplinary interest, encompassing fields such as sociology, psychology, linguistics, and artificial intelligence, presents a compelling array of challenges and discoveries. Given their complex social, psychological, and communicative implications, analyzing lies is more than an intellectual challenge; it’s a key to decoding the subtle mechanisms that govern the intricate dynamics of human interactions. This work aims to explore and integrate diverse methodologies and theories in lie detection. It provides a comprehensive overview that underscores not only the challenges and potential but also some ethical considerations in studying deceit within our contemporary social framework. Structured into four pivotal chapters, this dissertation introduces three approaches to lie detection, each uniquely designed and tested in distinct contexts: self-report assessment questionnaires, drug testing in the workplace, and face-to-face investigative interviews. Each methodology confronts the challenges of detecting lies in these specific settings, striving to surpass the limitations of existing techniques. The objective is to propose tailored solutions for each domain, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of lie-detection practices. These chapters highlight the challenges of deception and outline advancements in computational tools to enhance the accuracy of deception detection in various contexts.