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Detailed project information Project Start Date: 1st October 2022 Project End Date: 30 April 2026 Project Duration: 43 months Project Coordinator: Dr. Pietro Aleardo Siciliano (SMILE)
HIT Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Luciano Gamberini HIT Members and Staff: Prof. Anna Spagnolli, dott. Patrik Pluchino, dott. Valeria Orso, dott. Luigi Porto Project number: 101093913 Call (part) identifier: Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) 2021-2023 Total Project Funding: 5.673.119,67 € Partners: Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Tecnologie per Ambienti di Vita (SMILE, i.e., Coordinator), Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Centre (UNIPD), Rete Innovative Regionale ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living (ICT4SSL), Confindustria Veneto SIAV Srl, Universita Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l' Informatica (CINI), Innovaal Aggregazione Pubblico-Privata per l'Active & Assisted Living Società Consortile a Responsabilita Limitata (INNOVAAL), Distretto Tecnologico Pugliese Salute, Uomo e Biotecnologie Società Consortile a Responsabilita Limitata (H-BIO), Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi Scarl (MICRONANO), Distretto Interni e Design (dID), EHEALTHNET SCARL (eHealthNet), Istituto Nazionale di Riposo e Cura per Anziani (INRCA), Fondazione Per La Ricerca Farmacologica Gianni Benzi Onlus (FGB), Node Società; Cooperativa (NODE) Official website: DANTE LinkedIn: DANTE LinkedIn Page Facebook: DANTE Facebook Page X: DANTE Project X Page Services to support the Digital Transition of Micro, SMEs, and Public Administrations funded up to 100% under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Discover them here: DANTE SERVICES | | | | | DANTE is a cutting-edge project insofar as it focuses on supporting the digital transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Organizations in the public sector, and professionals that operate in the domains of healthy and active ageing, ambient assisted living (AAL), and smart environments. The aim is to ensure that these players can respond to the current digital challenges. To foster the digital transformation of the European Economy the Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA) will support effectively and efficiently the network of Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs). The project will have relevant social impacts at different levels: on people, mainly the ones who have difficulties as the elderly and the individuals with disabilities try to increment their level of autonomy in daily life in terms of safety, avoiding loneliness, and support in case of physical and mental pathologies; on caregivers (professionals and not), providing them with digital information, abilities, tools to monitor continuously their patients to streamline the management of care processes; on social and health services, by reducing the costs and ensuring quality support for the elderly to foster their ability to remain active in the society; on the policies and Public Administration, in terms of supporting the connections between social and health policies (at regional, national, and international level) and the citizens, professionals, and companies operating in the area of healthy and active ageing, the technology-driven “smart” life. The role of the HIT team is to coordinate the WP4 (i.e., “Communication, Dissemination & Partnership”) carrying out external communication and dissemination activities, including creating the systematic plan to communicate and disseminate the project results and their impact through marketing campaigns. Activities will involve developing and managing the project website, targeted marketing initiatives, social media communication, creating and sharing informational materials (e.g., brochures, flyers, and gadgets), managing exhibition stands during national and international events, and project presentations at national and international conferences. Moreover, within the project context, the HIT team offers “Skills & Training” and “Test Before Invest” (WP3, “DANTE DIH go-live, operation & improvement”) services specifically aimed at Micro, Small, and Medium-sized enterprises and Public Administrations. Besides, in WP2 (i.e., “DANTE EDIH Design & Setup”) HIT set up three living labs that could be used for the “Test Before Invest” services in which companies and PAs can test cutting-edge technologies and instruments, or can bring and test their own products/prototypes, for smart living and working environments within the domain of Active and Healthy Ageing. | | |