Attafi Omar Abdelghani

Ritratto di Omar AttafiCurriculum
Computer Science for Societal Challenges and Innovation, XXXIX series
Grant sponsor

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB

Silvio Tosatto


Project description
The DOME project (Walsh et al., Nature Methods 2021) has developed a set of recommendations for reporting supervised machine learning-based analyses applied to biological studies, with the aim of improving machine learning assessment and reproducibility. The project will involve the development of a registry to capture DOME-related information from existing and future literature, along with the definition of metadata describing DOME to be adopted by journals and profiles for quality to help ensure adherence to the recommendations. To facilitate the evaluation of DOME recommendations in scientific articles, a machine learning tool will be developed to automatically assess compliance. Additionally, training materials will be created to explain what DOME is, the registry, and other available tools. Overall, this project aims to promote a more standardised.